Tropical Palms Species That Grow in Shallow Wet Soil
Palm trees sway in the breeze, evoking the trade winds blowing across the shore of an exotic Pacific island. Even though shallow-rooted palm tree species flourish in tropical climates, not all enjoy having their roots wet. The majority of the palms that bear standing water vary in size from 10 to 100, and are natives of swamps, like the Everglades or more feet tall. When choosing a palm tree to get a boggy place in your yard, consider water needs and its size.
Small Palms
Palms planted in areas or in courtyards gardens as understory trees enable you to evoke the tropics without interfering with your neighbors’ views or power lines. After the garden is boggy, plant small, water-loving palms that thrive in wet soils, such as ruffled fan palm (Licuala grandis), that develops in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10a through 11, mangrove fan palm (Licuala spinosa), that develops in USDA zones 9 through 11, or lipstick palm (Cyrtostachys renda), which develops in USDA zones 10b through 11.
Medium Palms
Medium-sized palm trees, which range from 25 may be utilized as shade trees or as a focal point within a tropical garden. One of the palms that tolerate wet soil would be the Everglades hand (Acoelorrhaphe wrightii), also referred to as the silver viewed palm, which grows in USDA zones 9b through 11, and carnauba wax palm (Copernicia prunifera), which favors the warmer climates of USDA zones 10b through 11. The carnauba wax palm is a bit salt tolerant. Palms are clumping, sprouting new stems from the main system. Keep the suckers pruned to keep three to four trunks on tree.
Tall Palms
When implanted against a backdrop of the ocean or mountains palm trees supply the ambiance of a tropical island. One of the tropical palms that thrive in wet soils is that the cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), which develops in USDA zones 8 comprehensive 10. Native to the swamps of the Bahamas, Cuba and the South, cabbage palms tolerate both brackish and standing water. Other big water-loving palms incorporate the Florida royal palm tree (Roystonea elata) and buriti palm (Mauritia flexuosa), each of which increase in USDA zones 10 through 11.
Raised Beds
You can construct a raised bed or berm for palm tree species that prefer a well-draining soil, but won’t tolerate wet feet Since palm trees are shallow-rooted. Smaller tropical palms benefit from the elevated beds that raise them above the surrounding landscape, while indigenous trees, like the California fan palm (Washingtonia filifera), that develops in USDA zones 8b through 11, flourish in the moist but well-drained soil.