What Factors Peace Lily Flowers to Turn Green?

Well-adapted to low-light environments, the peace lily (Spathiphyllum x “Clevelandii”) grows well inside or as an understory plant in exterior gardens. The plant has glossy, green leaves and white flowers. As the flowers age, they frequently take on a greenish tint. Peace lily is hardy at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10b through 11.


A peace lily seems to have big flowers composed of a single petal surrounding a cream-colored stalk. The real flowers, however, are tiny and are clustered along the erect stalk, which can be called the spadix. The petal-shaped covering is called a spathe and can be a modified leaf. This bloom kind is called an inflorescence. After the inflorescence is developing, the spathe stays tightly wrapped around the spadix. As the bloom matures, the spathe opens, exposing the flowers.

Spathe Color

After the inflorescence first rises, the spathe is green just like the remaining leaves. As it prepares to start, it turns from green to snowy white. Slowly, as the bloom ages, the spathe frequently takes on a greenish tip and gradually turns completely green. That color change is caused by chlorophyll. Plants absorb sunlight through the chlorophyll molecule in the photosynthesis process. Because the spathe is a type of leaf, it performs photosynthesis. As the chlorophyll molecule absorbs sunlight, the spathe turns green.

Flower Care

Peace lily flowers are long-lasting. When the flowers take on a green color, they continue to darken. Preserve the white-flowered aesthetic appeal of a peace lily plant by clipping off the flowers in the base near the ground line as they turn green. If the changing color doesn’t detract from the plant general attractiveness, only leave the flowers on the plant until the flowers begin to fade and then turn brown. A peace lily flowers most heavily in winter but creates some flowers during the year.

Plant Care

Well-adapted to the heat and low-light of most indoor environments, a peace lily is considered an exceptionally great houseplant. It tolerates a temperature range between 40 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit but does best in a more moderate range of 68 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid overwatering the plant by allowing its soil to dry slightly between watering sessions. Peace lily benefits from a balanced, 20-20-20 fertilizer every 3 months. Keep the plant looking tidy by cutting dead leaves and flowers in the base near the soil line.

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