How to Reduce Soil's Alkalinity

Homeowners with lawns which contain soils might find it difficult to nurture healthy causing land values to drop. High-alkaline soils, with pH levels of above, join soil nutrients key to a plant’s growth. This can result in yellow to white leaves, stunted growth and root growth. Lowering a land’s alkalinity level is possible with the support of sulfur and materials. With application, these alterations free essential nutrients, will lower the pH of the soil and allow the development of a beautiful landscape.

Examine the soil to detect its alkalinity level. Gather soil samples from the backyard area. Dig to a depth of 6 inches with a shovel or trowel. Pour to a plastic bag and then seal it closed. Repeat this process two to four more times in random areas throughout the garden. Take the soil samples to soil testing lab or some county extension office for processing.

Review the results of the soil test to ascertain the soil’s pH. Find the recommended pH level of your soil. Many plants will grow well in soils with a pH level between 6 and 7.5.

Add elemental sulfur in a speed of 0.1 pounds per 10 square feet of loamy dirt for every single one-half unit you wish to lessen the pH. For instance, to lower the pH from 7 to 6.5, employ 0.1 pounds per 10 square feet, and also to lower the pH from 7.5 to 6.5, employ 0.2 pounds per 10 square feet. Reduce this speed by one-third for soils, and raise it.

Put on the sulfur in the spring at the beginning of the season. Spread the sulfur above the surface of the ground, raking it . Water the sulfur to the ground using a garden hose.

Add a 1- to 2-inch layer of sphagnum peat moss above the soil’s surface. Spread over the ground with a rake. Mix that the peat moss to the top 2 inches of soil with a tiller.

Reapply the sulfur and peat moss annually. Examine the amended soil each year to ascertain its pH level. Stop making applications once the desired level is reached by the soil pH.

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