Companions for Planting With Shallots

Minimize your need to use herbicides or pesticides in your vegetable garden that teams crops that are helpful together to repel insects that are harmful, attract insects that are helpful, and enhance plant development. Shallots are hardy in Sunset’s Climate Zones 14 and develop 1 to 3-feet tall. As members of the onion family, shallots repel pests including aphids, fresh fruit tree borers, weevils, moles and a few nematodes, making them perfect companions for crops which are susceptible to these pests.


All members of the family develop nicely with kinds of onions and shallots. Cabbage is a cool-weather crop that may be planted in early spring. They develop well in places that have nutrient, and get complete to partial sunlight -rich, well-draining soil. Plants grow to heights of 10 to 24-inches, having a spread of 12 to 30-inches.


Grow German chamomile (Maticaria recutita) to boost shallots’ progress and enhance their taste. Chamomile is an annual herb that grows in gardens that receive full-sun coverage. Plants grow to heights of 8 to 32-inches. Chamomile blooms with dainty daisy like flowers from summer through fall. Chamomile may self-sow. Gardeners should plant one plant for every 150 feet of garden area.


Beets are crops that function roots that mature in shades like orange, purple, pink and deep red. Like shallots, beets grow best in cool seasons and could be planted in late winter or early spring for summer harvest that is early. Plants grow 1 or 2 feet tall, having a spread of 6 to 12″.


Shallots repel a garden pest that will attack and ruin youthful carrot crops, the carrot fly. Also called garden carrots, these crops function edible tap-roots which can be harvested after planting, generally before plants flower. Full sunlight and nutrient-rich soil make perfect conditions for carrots.


Shallots offer safety for tomatoes from spiders that are red. Regardless of which variety gardeners decide to develop, tomatoes favor -draining, full sunlight exposure and slightly acidic soil. These crops are technically short lived perennials, but are typically developed as an annual. Plants grow to heights of 3 to 9-feet, having a spread of three to four feet. After planting, some help is needed by most types from a stake or trellis.


Garden strawberries and have since onions aid get a grip on a lot of the pests that plague crops, fruits that develop nicely near all members of the onion family and increase on trailing stems. Plant strawberries in backyard places that have wealthy, properly-draining soil. Plants increase 6 to 8″ tall, using a spread of 1 or 2 toes.

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